Role of water in weight loss Home Ask your question about drinking water to lose weight
Adequate water consumption is important for any healthy weight loss program. More than 70% of the human body is water. The recommended intake of water for adult human is 2-3 liters per day, about 8 glasses . Unlike diet pills and other ways to lose weight, water is free and widely available. When weight is lost quickly, it is usually due to loss of water. This weight can be regained quickly, Water is important for a variety of critical body functions such as
regulating body temperature
nutrient transportation and removal of waste material from the body. It also ensures proper digestion. It reduce the risk of developing kidney stones
lubricating the joints and ease joint pain
helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
improves skin tone
Water directly affects the rate of weight loss by
improving the functioning of the kidney. Most of the metabolism of fat takes place in the liver. When a sufficient amount of water is not available, the kidneys are unable to function properly and the liver has to take up part of the functions of the kidneys. This reduces the rate at which fat is burnt in the liver. When the intake of water is adequate, there is an increase in the rate at which the liver burns fat
suppressing the appetite. If you drink water half an hour before having your meals, you are likely to be less hungry and will eat less. This is why some people drink water only after the meal, not during the meal.
by increasing your intake of water, you can reduce water retention. If enough water is not being consumed, the human body retains all the water available. After drinking enough water for a week, a person can lose 1-2 kg almost immediately.
All chemical processes during energy metabolism will function better if the body is well hydrated. The metabolic rate for a well hydrated body could increase by up to 3%
By drinking ice cold water, you can increase the calories burnt by the body by a small amount, since the body has to use up energy to increase the temperature of the water. If you exercise but do not drink sufficient water, the weight loss will be much lower. Water retention may be due to excess sodium in the diet.
The safest way to lose weight is reduce weight gradually, by monitoring the calorie intake and calories burnt during daily activities and suitable exercise like walking .
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